Welcome to CA Gun Trader!

One man's safe queen, is another man's EDC.

Pardon Our Dust

CAGUNTRADER is currently in BETA and contstantly undergoing live updates and fixes, adding more functionality to give the platform a more seamless experience.

Please enjoy CAGUNTRADER as we continue deploying more awesome fixes and features in the background!


Current Known Issues:

- When using the Messenger System, the page gets stuck in a "Loading Loop", however your messages WILL go through! Communicate as intended, reload your page after you send a message "successfully". In your inbox, it also sends a copy of that message to you, this is NOT intended.

- Barrel Length field currently doesn't allow decimal values, round the numbers for now.

- When entering tags, sometimes bugs when saving if you enter more than 5, use 5 or less tags for now.

- Finish/Material section does not save selections or restrict you from saving if nothing is selected, skip for now.